Magic Show

5:30-5:45pm, 5:50-6:05pm

Location: Estabrook Hall, Cary Hall Basement

Come watch magic be performed live onstage!

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Watch Eddie Lou Perform a Magic Trick!

Eddie Lou

楼安达(Eddie Lou)是 安多福私立高中(Phillips Academy Andover)的11年级学生,他的魔术表演已有6年历史。Eddie 使用扑克牌、硬币和魔方, 已经为学校、老年中心、社区节假日欢庆活动,线上线下小型演出,观众超过 5000人次。他和搭档的隔空魔术“志向远大的扑克牌”登上了2021 全美青少年网络春晚大型表演,观众高达数万人( 2021 首届全美青少年网络春晚,50-56 分钟片段)。在特殊的病毒肆虐时期,给孩子们带去期待的快乐源泉,给人们带去希望的奇迹憧憬,感动数万人心,实属难得人生经历! Eddie 还将自己的魔术和教育结合起来,吸引观众眼球,一起关注提醒社会的全球问题,并且将理念落实到行动,共同建设美好社区家园。特别是最近通过他独创特行的表演方式,在 Bowseat 海洋意识竞赛活动中获得全球铜牌,开创了本类知识大赛中魔术艺术表演的先例。Eddie还以魔术表演及比赛所得奖励和捐赠,倾情奉献,为Charity water 和Mental Health America 等其它以全球问题为导向的非营利机构筹集善款资金,尽其所能,帮助社会。 如果要查看Magician Eddie 的更多作品,请访问网站, 谢谢大家的爱心捐赠和支持!

Eddie Lou is a junior at Phillips Academy Andover who has been performing magic for 6 years. Using cards, coins, and Rubik’s Cubes, he has performed for his school, local community centers, festivals, and conducted a virtual tour of shows, accumulating an audience of over 5000 people. In 2021, Eddie and his partner were highly selected to perform their own creative “Ambitious cards” in American youth Chinese New Year festival with thousands of audience on line. They brought precious joy and hope of wonders by touching so many people’s life in the special pandemic time. He also combines his magic with education on global issues, most recently earning a global bronze medal in the Bowseat Ocean Awareness campaign through his original routine. Eddie made the historical record by introducing magic art first time in the ocean awareness contest! He also started raising money for other global issue oriented nonprofits, such as Charity Water and Mental Health America, so visit his website at in order to donate or see more of his work.